Acts 6:1-7

A deacon is a servant – Mark 10:43,45


  1. (v.1) The need for these ministers
  2. (v.2-6) The selection of these ministers
  3. (v.2b,3b) The duties of these ministers
  4. (v.4-7) The value of these ministers

  1. “The number of the disciples was multiplying
  2. “There arose a complaint

  1. The role of the people
  2. The role of the leaders

  1. (v.3a) They were to seek qualified candidates
  2. (v.5) They were to choose

  1. (v.2) They initiated the process
  2. (v.6) They affirmed the decision

  1. Their value to the leaders – enables them to pray and minister
  2. Their value to the individual believers – provides examples from among the disciples
  3. Their value to the whole – encourages growth


  1. Biblical statements
  2. Application at Faith Baptist Church (in the constitution)

  1. There were deacons in the church at Philippi - Philippians 1:1
  2. There were qualifications for deacons - I Timothy 3:8-13

Constitution: Article II, Section B

  • Qualifications
  • Election
  • Duties
  • A member of this church in good standing who accepts the total content of this constitution. If a deacon changes his beliefs so that he deviates from the constitution, he shall be expected to resign.
  • One who fulfills the requirements of I Timothy 3:8-13 and the church covenant.
  • One who attempts to be faithful in attending the regular Sunday and mid-week services of the church, and who is convinced of the importance of the local church.

  • Those currently serving as deacons shall recommend to the church candidates for election to the office after thorough consideration of their qualifications.
  • The election of deacons shall be by a majority ballot vote of all members present at the Annual Meeting. Unexpired terms may be filled at any business meeting.
  • Deacons shall be elected to office and be divided by lot into three classes; one class to retire at the end of the third year, one class at the end of the second year and one class at the end of the first year to serve a term of three years. Subsequent elections shall be for a period of three years.
  • As soon as possible after the Annual Meeting, the deacons shall elect from within their own board, a member who shall be Chairman of the Board of Deacons and of the Board of Trustees.
  • The Board of Deacons shall elect a secretary who shall keep duplicate record of all matters of business for a minimum of two years.

  • Assist the pastor in providing spiritual leadership for the church including faithful intercession in prayer for the total work of the church.
  • Assist in the administration of the ordinances.
  • Recommend candidates for membership.
  • Assist in visitation.
  • Serve as a pulpit supply committee in the absence of the pastor, either due to vacation, illness or pulpit vacancy.
  • The Pastor and Deacons shall appoint non-elected officers of the church as necessary, doing so promptly following the Annual Meeting.
  • Shall recommend missionaries to the church for support.
  • Shall meet regularly on a monthly basis in official session to administer their responsibilities. The pastor shall serve as moderator of said meetings, except in his absence the chairman of the deacons will be the moderator.
  • Shall receive and account funds of the church in the absence of both the treasurer and the financial secretary. The chairman of the deacons shall preside at all regular or special church business meetings in the absence of the pastor.
  • The deacons are designated the official trustees of the corporation in any legal matters and have the following duties.
  • Shall see that all bills and salaries are paid on a regular basis, according to the approved budget, without further action from the church.
  • Shall approve all non-budget church expenditures of $300.00 (three hundred dollars) or less. Any item above this amount shall be approved by the membership at a regular or called business meeting.
  • The deacons shall compose a budget committee to review the church budget and finances and present a proposed budget for the coming year to the church for adoption at the Annual Meeting.
  • Shall not buy, sell or mortgage real estate or property of the church except by three fourths (3/4) majority vote of those present and voting at a business meeting.
  • Shall execute all deeds, mortgages, notes and other legal papers as instructed by the church. In such cases all legal instruments shall be signed by the church clerk and the chairman of the Board of Deacons.